If you go onto the internet and search on Google for negative equity reversal, you will find afactual misrepresentation that negative equity can’t be reversed. It can, though, and we doit every day. This is a falsity imprinted on the internet walls. It is being reported this way toprotect the fraudsters that created it.
Are they willing to bet their lives on it? We will. Are they willing to bet your life on it? Theyalready have, and we have proved it. On April 29, 2015, in federal court, James Miskiewicz,former Assistant U.S. Attorney, on record called me Houdini in the Honorable Judge ArthurSpatt’s courtroom. His exact words were “ We Don’t Know How He Does It, But We KnowThat He Does” The transcripts will prove it. Which brings us to, I am either smarter than theentire Government of the United States, or they prosecuted one of my magic tricks, or its anact of God.
An imprint, by definition, is to impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body. Thissurface or body is the wall of the internet without a URL’s website—like an inscription instone.
It was put there by the programming of incompetence whose identities are hidden. So, whois the hidden culprit, revealing itself as an inscription on Google? Programmed AI did notmake the law; that’s Congress. The regulating agencies in all 50 states, the FDIC, the
Treasury Department, the Board of Governors, and the Federal Reserve are not competentenough to fix this issue. That’s why it’s broken.
One question remains: Who would want you to lose your home? Why would the governmentwant you to pay income tax on a deficiency of a short sale or foreclosure as declared incomewhen you received no income, on a valueless house for a reason you did not cause? Ask youraccountant about this. This is a designed flaw.
Who would want banks to fail? Who and what would want the FDIC to fail? Who and whatwould want Congress to fail? What would want state government to fail? What would wantinflation to prevail?
The FDIC only insures depositors’ assets and sells failed banks to other buying banks. Itcannot fix this problem; this is not its mission. Congress and its incompetent advisory panelcan’t fix the problem. If the experts knew where the problem was, this would not be an issue.This is why the U.S. government called me Houdini on the record at a hearing on April 29,2015, in Judge Spatt’s courtroom. In fact, the exact words used by the government were,“We don’t know how he does it, but we know that he does.” These were the words of JamesMiskiewicz, former Assistant U.S. Attorney. If the government, with all its resources, doesnot know, then the government needs to pay me to fix what it does not know, or the problemremains indefinitely. That is the Theorem of Special Relativity. Special relativity is limitless.Limitless means no restrictions. It is either in what is known or what is not.
With no financing, no sales contracts, no new buyers, no mortgage modifications, norenovations, and no construction, this problem can be fixed. Why don’t you know about it?Because the remedy never existed until now. Are you really going to trust the system thatcreated this problem? Incompetence breeds failure.
Watch this as a reminder that you are in complete control.It just so happens that Google’s numerical address is 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,Mountain View, California, 94043. Consequently, the White House’s numerical address is1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, D.C.
This is not a coincidence. This is part of an equation that eludes the masses by design. Ashared numerical address (1600), with one of the largest corporations in the world, Google,with an imprint inscription, with no identity, and the White House of the U.S. government, isa synchronized synchronicity. Mathematically, the simple addition of these addresses 1600+ 1600 = 3200. If I take off the two zeros of 3200, which are a cipher—a cipher is the numberzero that’s valueless—the number becomes 32.
Mathematically, the number 32 minus 4-8-1-9-6-4 = (0). This is my birthdate. This is theaddress of where I was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation: 32 Shore Drive,Copiague.
The number 32 not only adds up to my birthdate: 4 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 32. But the number32.54534405 multiplied by 14809 in equation form 32.54534405 x 148-09 = 481964. 148-09is my birth address in Flushing, Queens, New York. The product is my birthdate: 4-8-1964.That’s April 8, 1964. With this mathematical precision, I can do anything, fix anything, openany door, turn any light on; or I can do nothing and allow it to stay where it is. This is theTheorem of Special Relativity, which states that motion, space, and time are limitless. Thereisn’t a scholar in existence who can disprove the math or science depicted, as it explainsitself. The government can buy it from me and live, or everything as you see it will get worse,and it will remain in disrepair.
At the time, I was 50 years old. Consequently, if I multiply 32 x 50 = 1600, the address ofwhere I was arrested (32) multiplied by my age (50) brings me back to the White House’saddress and Google’s address. This is a simple demonstration of one of my algorithms of myTheorem of Special Relativity. This explains more.
The imprint on Google says you can’t immediately reverse negative equity, but there areways to emerge from it, namely by increasing mortgage payments or upgrading your homeas you wait for the market to improve. This is dated 7-12-2024. This is a false statement.With our eyes closed, Advanced Disaster Prevention can fix it.
So, who in the government wants the consumer to perish and the banks to fail? After all, ifartificial inflation is illegal, then why is the economy artificially inflated? Why has themortgage market been wiped out? Why are interest rates 150 percent higher than they were?Why have Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac been delisted?
This specific service is only offered in judicial states where there’s a mortgage, as per themap below, unless you’re in a state that gives you a legal choice to choose a mortgage overa trust deed: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Montana,and South Dakota. Other similar services are available to help you extinguish illegalmortgage note debt.
Negative equity is a reality that destroys lives, properties, and banks. It puts a burden onCongress for needed money that insures banks. There’s no money to fix the issue at hand,and modifying a mortgage on a debt that’s larger than its value is, at best, insanity. We arenot in the finance business. There is no selling or buying. So, why would the governmentallow a person to be enslaved when peonage is illegal? This is exactly what a mortgagemodification is—modifying a debt that’s larger than the value to support it is barbaric andcruel and unusual punishment. “Cruel and unusual punishment” is a legal phrase thatdescribes punishment considered unacceptable because it causes suffering, pain, orhumiliation.
Eighth Amendment
The U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
13th Amendment
The 13th Amendment prohibits states from forcing people toperform personal services through criminal sanctions. Modifying a mortgage is an actof peonage sponsored by the government.
Peonage Act of 1867
- This law made it illegal to force people to work against their
- will, even if they owed money to someone else. It’s also illegal to physically restrain
- or harm someone or threaten them to get them to work. Speak with your attorney
- when it comes to modifying a debt for a house that’s not worth it when there are other options.
- 18 U.S. Code Chapter 77: This chapter makes it illegal to hold or return
- someone to a condition of peonage. The penalties for violating this chapter
- include fines and imprisonment.
- 42 U.S. Code § 1994: This law prohibits the practice of peonage in any state or territory of the United States.
- Peonage is the practice of forcing people to work off debts or as punishment for crimes. In
- the aftermath of the Civil War, Southern states found ways to avoid violating the law by
- imposing peonage. For example, they used criminal surety statutes to allow employers to
- pay court fines for workers in exchange for work.
Negative Equity
Negative equity occurs when the value of an asset, especially a property, is lower than theoutstanding amount of debt owed on it. This precarious financial situation can have severeconsequences for individuals and the economy. Below, we will discuss negative equity, itscauses, and its impact on individuals.
The most common example of negative equity is in the housing market. During a housingboom, property prices soar, encouraging people to buy homes and take out mortgages.However, if the market subsequently crashes or experiences a slowdown, the value of theseproperties can plummet. Homeowners who borrowed a large amount to make theirpurchase are then left with properties that are worth less than their outstanding mortgage,plunging them into negative equity.
Negative equity can be financially crippling for homeowners. They are unable to sell theirproperty without incurring substantial losses, often leading to a situation where they aretrapped in an asset that is continuing to depreciate. This further burdens them with a longtermfinancial liability, making it challenging to plan for their future or to purchase anotherproperty.
CoreLogic’s negative equity report showed that in the fourth quarter of this year, 11.1 millionresidential properties (22.8 percent of mortgage holders) had a mortgage with negativeequity. This is slightly higher than the 10.7 million (22.1 percent) from the third quarter. Thedata show wide variation across states in the percentage of mortgage holders who areunderwater. Nevada leads the list with 61 percent of its mortgage properties underwater (anincrease from 58 percent), followed by Arizona (48 percent), Florida (44 percent), Michigan(35 percent), and Georgia (33 percent).
The average underwater borrower has about $65,000 of negative equity, which yields anaggregate debt overhang of approximately $717 billion nationwide. This aggregate burdenvaries widely across states. The table below shows state-level data on the number ofmortgage properties that are underwater, the average amount of negative equity for theseproperties, the aggregate negative equity, and the state’s share of the national mortgage
debt overhang. While Nevada has the highest proportion of mortgage holders underwater, itis the sixth-highest state in terms of aggregate negative equity. California has about 2 millionmortgaged properties underwater, with an average amount of negative equity across theseproperties of approximately $92,000. This translates into a mortgage debt overhang of about$187 billion, which is the highest among the states and about 26 percent of the total nationalmortgage debt overhang. Florida has the next highest share of the total national mortgagedebt overhang at about 16 percent. The aggregate amount of negative equity in four states(California, Florida, Arizona, and Massachusetts) makes up more than half of theapproximately $700 billion of nationwide negative equity overhang.
The government increased taxpayer-financed incentives to banks to engage in moreprincipal reductions for underwater borrowers, and it has pressured the Federal HousingFinance Agency to allow principal reductions for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans. Thedistribution of negative equity across states suggests that any serious attempt at wide-scaleprincipal reductions would reap benefits to borrowers concentrated in only a few states.Unfortunately, this problem is so crippling that as of the time of writing, the stock of FannieMae (FNMA) was $1.24, and the stock of Freddie Mac (FHLMC) was $1.20. Add themtogether: $1.24 + $1.20 = $2.44. Two dollars and forty-four cents can’t buy a cup of coffee,and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the two largest banks in the world that finance houses.Yet their stocks are not traded on the major stock markets. They are pink sheet stocks (OTC)traded over the counter.
Below is the breakdown of the negative equity by state. If you are one of the people who havethis problem, there is a way to fix it. If you listen to the incompetence of those who can’tsolve this problem, that’s because they’re the ones who caused it. You will suffer the fate oftheir incompetence.
Negative equity is not limited to the housing market; it can also occur in the automotiveindustry. When individuals take out loans to purchase new vehicles, the car’s valuedepreciates significantly as soon as it is driven off the lot. If the borrower financed a largeportion of the vehicle, there is a high likelihood of being in negative equity, as the car’s worthmay be lower than the remaining loan balance. This situation becomes troublesome if theborrower wants to sell the car before paying off the loan in full.
The problem of negative equity is magnified during economic downturns or recessions.These periods are often accompanied by a drop in asset prices, exacerbating negative equity
scenarios for property and vehicle owners alike. The sudden devaluation of assets leavesborrowers in a vulnerable financial position, with limited options for recovery.Negative equity can be deeply distressing for homeowners, leading to feelings of instabilityand vulnerability. Being stuck in a property worth less than the mortgage can cause intensestress and anxiety, restraining individuals from making life decisions such as moving for jobopportunities or downsizing. This sense of entrapment can lead to a loss of control overone’s financial future, decreasing overall well-being.
Financial consequences are severe. If a homeowner needs to sell their property due toreasons like job loss or relocation, they may face significant losses. When sale proceeds areinsufficient to cover the outstanding mortgage balance, borrowers may have to findadditional funds to close the gap or be forced into a short sale, impacting their credit scoreand future borrowing ability. On a short sale or foreclosure, the bank does not take the loss—you do. The deficiency amount is reported to you as 1099 miscellaneous income, and youmay have to pay income taxes on income you did not actually receive, on a property that haslost its value.
The presence of negative equity can lead to decreased housing market activity. Buyers maybe deterred from investing in properties with negative equity, fearing future financialburdens. This reduction in demand creates a vicious cycle, further depressing propertyvalues and worsening the problem for existing homeowners.
Moreover, negative equity reduces homeowners’ ability to spend on other goods andservices, adversely affecting local businesses and overall economic growth. Higher levelsof foreclosure risk can impact the stability of the banking sector, leading to increasedfinancial strain and potential systemic risks.
Governments and policymakers play a crucial role in mitigating the damage caused bynegative equity. Support and assistance must be provided to homeowners facing thispredicament. Various options can be explored, such as favorable refinancing terms, loanforbearance, or government-assisted programs aimed at reducing the loan principal orinterest rates. By taking active measures, governments can prevent the negative equity issuefrom escalating into a broader housing crisis and support the financial stability ofhomeowners and the wider economy.
In conclusion, negative equity is a financial burden that traps borrowers in a cycle ofeconomic instability, restricting their ability to sell or move. The emotional distress, financialburdens, and economic repercussions it causes can have long-lasting effects on individualsand communities. Addressing negative equity requires a concerted effort from allstakeholders involved, including governments, lenders, and policymakers. By providing
necessary support and implementing appropriate interventions, we can alleviate thedamage caused by negative equity and promote stability and resilience within the housingmarkets.
Possible Approaches
Dealing with negative equity can be a complex and challenging situation for homeowners,but several solutions and strategies can help alleviate the damage caused by this financialburden. Here are some possible approaches:
1. Ride it out: Negative equity is often a temporary situation that can be resolved overtime as property values appreciate. By continuing to make mortgage payments andavoiding any rash decisions, homeowners may eventually see their property valuerise, thus reducing or eliminating their negative equity. This option requires patienceand a long-term outlook.
2. Increase mortgage payments: By voluntarily paying more toward the mortgage eachmonth, homeowners can accelerate the reduction of their loan balance. Thisapproach helps to build equity faster and reduce negative equity over time. However,it is essential to ensure that the extra payments go towards the principal rather thaninterest.
3. Refinance: Depending on market conditions, homeowners may consider refinancingtheir mortgage. If interest rates have significantly dropped since the original loan wastaken out, refinancing can potentially lower monthly mortgage payments and reducethe time needed to build equity. However, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the costsassociated with refinancing and ensure that the new loan terms are favorable.
4. Rent out the property: If homeowners are unable to sell their property due tonegative equity but need to move for personal or professional reasons, they mayconsider renting out the property instead. Renting can help cover the mortgagepayments while waiting for property values to increase. However, it is essential tocarefully evaluate the financial feasibility of being a landlord and understand thelegal obligations and responsibilities involved.
5. Explore government programs: Governments may offer assistance programsspecifically designed to address negative equity issues. These programs can providefinancial support, loan restructuring options, or even grants to help homeownersreduce their negative equity. Research and inquire about available programs in yourarea to determine if you qualify for assistance.
6. Seek professional advice: Consulting with real estate and financial professionalscan provide valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate negative equity. Theseexperts can help assess the specific situation, explore various options, and providerecommendations tailored to individual circumstances.
7. Commence a lawsuit: This may be done on the basis of a promissory note violationpursuant to the UCC Code Article 3 violation. A favorable ruling can be declaratoryrelief of a promissory note.
The effectiveness of these solutions will vary depending on individual circumstances,market conditions, and local regulations. Therefore, homeowners should carefully considertheir options, gather relevant information, and seek professional advice before making anydecisions. By taking proactive measures, homeowners can mitigate the damage caused bynegative equity and work toward improving their financial situation over time.
Our Solution
Option 1
We can ease the property value up to bring stability without financing or selling the property.Plus, we offer a money-back guarantee. If we don’t correct your problem within 10 percentof the market value of your property within the negative equity loss, we will refund yourmoney.
If the property is foreclosed on, or if your lender allows a short sale, another problem iscreated. In either of these circumstances, the borrower will receive 1099 miscellaneousincome, and the loss liability of the bank is transferred to you as a gain. Yes, you will have topay taxes on an income you didn’t receive, on a house that no longer has value, for a problemyou didn’t create. Speak with your accountant.
If the property is foreclosed on, or if your lender allows a short sale, another problem iscreated. In either of these circumstances, the borrower will receive 1099 miscellaneousincome, and the loss liability of the bank is transferred to you as a gain. Yes, you will have topay taxes on an income you didn’t receive, on a house that no longer has value, for a problemyou didn’t create. Speak with your accountant.
Option 2
A mortgage servicing compliance review of the promissory note contract you signed cancontain UCC Article 3 errors that can void a promissory note under the UCC Code and cangive you potential declaratory relief that can wipe out the mortgage and note.Or we can do both. We can ease your equity and do an audit to see if your promissory noteis defective … or you can remain their cheeseburger and let them eat you.Why don’t you know about it? It’s simple.
This is self-explanatory. If you’re not the cheeseburger to those who are eating you, they goout of business. If you say no, they can’t eat you. We will prepare evidence for counsel to commence a proceeding for a declaratory judgment.
This is self-explanatory. If you’re not the cheeseburger to those who are eating you, they goout of business. If you say no, they can’t eat you. We will prepare evidence for counsel to commence a proceeding for a declaratory judgment.
Declaratory judgment relief, also known as declaratory judgment or declaratory relief, is ajudicial remedy whereby a court formally pronounces the rights, duties, or obligations of oneor more parties in a dispute without necessarily providing for or ordering enforcement. Thistype of judgment is sought when a party needs a legal determination of their rights or status,typically to resolve uncertainty or prevent more serious legal action.
The relief granted by a declaratory judgment is simply the declaration by the court. It doesnot involve the awarding of damages or other coercive relief. Parties often seek declaratoryjudgments in situations involving contracts, wills, statutes, and constitutional issues wherethey wish to understand their legal position before further legal processes commence or toavoid unnecessary legal action altogether.
Here’s how declaratory judgment relief generally works
1. Lawsuit: A party concerned about their legal rights or obligations can file a complaintin the appropriate court seeking a declaratory judgment. The complaint will set outthe factual and legal basis for the relief sought.2. Jurisdiction and justiciability: Courts generally require an actual, justiciablecontroversy with specific factual circumstances, not hypothetical situations, toissue a declaratory judgment. The party seeking the judgment must have a real andsubstantial interest at stake.3. Notice and hearing: The other party (or parties) involved must be provided notice ofthe lawsuit and an opportunity to be heard. The case may involve written briefs, oralarguments, or factual evidence.4. Court determination: The court will consider the factual record and applicable lawto make a determination. The resulting judgment declares the rights, duties, orobligations of the parties with respect to the legal question presented.5. Effect of judgment: Although a declaratory judgment does not order any party totake action or refrain from action, the declaration of rights can have a significanteffect on the parties’ conduct and can be an important factor in resolving theunderlying controversy.6. Further relief: Sometimes, declaratory judgments are combined with other forms ofrelief, such as an injunction if a party is dissatisfied with the declaration and wishesadditional action to be taken or prevented.
Declaratory judgments are advantageous because they offer a proactive way to clarify legalmatters, allowing parties to plan or arrange their affairs with a better understanding of their
legal situation. They can also be used as a precursor or alternative to more coercive formsof judicial relief.
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